About us
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EkDana Foundation
In a world often plagued by scarcity, EkDana emerges as a radiant force of generosity, bringing forth abundance where it's needed most. Through its tireless efforts, EkDana transforms mealtimes from moments of desperation into celebrations of sustenance and joy.
Years of Journey
Aims and Objectives
To provide and help / assistance to the multiple handicapped people / children in respect of Rehabilitation, Treatment, Special Education and supportive appliances / artificial limbs and to give them vocational training on different technical/ non-technical / professional / industrial and on the other subject / filed which will make them independent.
To arrange and manage the training Institution in Rehabilitation Education, Computer Education, Physical Educational and in other Professional Training subjects with the approval of concerned authorities.
To impart the computer education and literacy for Differently abled students & unemployed youths the society will run computer training centers besides that the society will also open placement cell by which the computer trained & unemployed youths of different trades may be provided jobs in the Government, Industry & Corporate Sector.
To promote literacy, cultural and other social activities by Awareness programmes, Adult Education Classes, Lectures, Essay Competition, Exhibitions, Symposium, Cultural Programs, Press Conference and Seminars.
To publish Books, Charts, Illustrations, general Magazines, Periodical, News Letters / papers and other publication on the different subjects and in different language of the promoting of above aims and object of the above society.
To prepare the awareness generation kits, poster, banners, audio-video, cassette Nukkad Natak, puppet shows, documentaries etc, regarding various social issues and for the attainment of the aims and objects of the above society.
To establish and manage various kinds of educational, cultural, social and welfare vocational training centers in the field of industrial scientific medical, technical agricultural research training institutes to introduce and develop professional courses.
To offer prizes and to grant scholarships and stipends in furtherance of the objects of the society and To establish and run orphanage centers, crèches for the children and working women and hostels for working women.
To make efforts and recognize various kinds of programs and/ activities relating to Family planning and to diffuse the useful knowledge about the medicines, equipment, methods used for family planning also provided the family counseling facilities and To make survey for collection of data for the attainment of any object of the society.
To carry on community development programs/activities and also construct and develop the Community Halls, Rehabilitation Centers, Barat Ghar, Dharamshala, Old Age homes, Charitable Dispensaries, Hospitals, Libraries, Reading Rooms, Play Grounds, Stadiums (both open and indoor), Yoga, Training Centers, Anganwari, Balwari, Studios, Drama Stage and Other Training and research institutes for the attainment of aims and object of the society.
To start and manage various charitable, educational industrial, vocational, agricultural and community development programmes/ activities.
To trained disabled in different skills through Vocational training ie: Handicrafts items, Decorative candles, Saarees, bed covers, toran, earthen diyas etc. and arrange stalls during diwali or other festivals and in market / Delhi Hatt& the profit through these sales will be utilize for the welfare of disabled only.
To give provide and / or render monetary and / or other help and assistance for the relief of persons and animals affected by natural and other accident, pestilence, drought, epidemic, unbearable cost of living and the like to give donations subscriptions or contributions to institutions. Establishments, centers or persons doing relief work on such occasion.
To make management for mobile emergency Van/ Ambulance for the victims of road accidents, to provide help to pregnant ladies to shift them to nearby hospital, also to provided assistance to the people for the emergency.
To establish and maintain institutions for the Disabled, Poor SC & ST, backward classes, Underprivileged and other needy persons for their Rehabilitation, Medical treatment, Education & Vocational Training, Food, Clothing, Medical help, transportation, libraries, laboratories, reading rooms, hostels, play grounds, swimming pool and other required facilities to the boy / girls and also to the members of the society.